Photo Exhibition / 19. March - 23. April 2007 / Goethe Institut Toronto |
Photo stills by Jürgen Reble: “The basic idea is that it is impossible to fix film. Film is something which is always in a state of flux… The images, “real” in the beginning, gradually disintegrate and the gelatin layer, where the chemicals are embedded, dissolves.” (Jürgen Reble) The stills on view in this exhibition reveal various stages of image making and viewing within continual processes of disintegration. 1. Stills of Quasar (2 Banners à 4,26 x 0,61 m)The banners (2 pieces a 4,26 x 0,61 m) are printed on: 2. 6 series of films (25 pieces à 0,40 x 0,30 m)I. Das goldene Tor II. Instabile Materie III. Passion IV. Stadt in Flammen V. Zillertal VI. Rumpelstilzchen The series (25 pieces a 0,40 x 0,40 m) are printed on: A Coproduction of the Goethe Institut Toronto and Studio 8 GraphicsThe exhibits are free for sale. Please contact: j.reble(at) |